Defendant Griffin was under the influence of alcohol and negligently not paying attention to the direction of travel ahead of him due in part to the fact he was watching a pornographic DVD which was displayed on a mounted in-dash DVD player, located near the steering column, in his Escalade video. He was manually manipulating his genitals which he described to a witness, after the accident, as “jacking off.” DVD jackets with pornographic titles “Anal Action” and “Privates” were seen in the driver/passenger area of the vehicle. The items were viewed by the officers at the scene, whereupon they laughed.
(Thanks, Deadspin.)
07 July 2006
Eddie Griffin
This is mostly a non sequitur, but this story about NBA player cum actor Eddie Griffin (kind of old news if you're a sports fan) is hilarious. The lawsuit's legalesse description of the accident is even more hilarious.